Thirumali Washing Unit

Roll Washing, Garment Washing Tirupur
Thirumali Garment, Roll Washing Unit is a Seperate Washing unit which caters the clients Fabric and Garment Washing needs. Different Washing methods are adopted at Thirumali according to clients needs and customization needed for fabrics. With world class technology and infrastructure with trained work force we can cater any kind of washing needs for our clients at best possible prices. Some of the washing process were listed here
Enzyme Washing
Enzyme wash is performed with a kind of live cell. Enzyme can break some of the fibers of fabric and gives the fabric special effect desired on the garment. Enzyme wash provides the fabric a soft, sanded or "peached" effect very desirable on many garments. Enzyme wash gives your fabric a vibrant feel.
Softener Washing
Softener Wash is performed by washing garments in hot water with adequate detergent and softener, rinse in plain water and dry in tumble dryer until it is 100% dry. Some sodium is added to lend the garment a prominent washed look. Water temperature, proportion of components of wash is adjusted as per requirement of wash and types of fabric, the garment is made of. The softener makes the fibre soft and tumble-drying makes the fabric fluffier.
Silicon Washing
Silicon Wash is done on all type of garments like Cotton, Twill, Denim, Canvas etc., Silicon wash is performed to increase the durability, softness, elastic handle property of the fabric. It helps in antipilling, tear resistance and dimensional stability of the fabric. Desizing, Softening, Hydro Extracting and Drying are some of the steps involved in Silicon Wash.
Bio Washing
BIO-WASH consists of natural soap suds, natural cloth conditioners, natural color fixers, and natural brightening agents. Using a BIO-WASH actually makes the shirts quite a bit softer. It is more gentle so it helps clothing have a longer fabric life. BIO-WASH also maintains the color, luster, and shine of your clothes much longer than chemical soaps. It also washes your garments amazingly soft and clean.
Roll washing and Garment Washing
All Kind of Washing needs in the Garment Industry are perfectly matched and delivered to them in said time. With the State of Art machinery and Wonderful working force make it possible for us to work on any washing related challenges and get the fabric in exact feel and quality as our client expects. We are introducing latest washing technologies and methods from time to time to meet customer demands and work for their satisfaction.